
Radical RevLa Welcomes You

Monday, January 2, 2012

Radical RevLa: New Beginnings

His Mercies are brand new each and everyday

Good Bye 2011 and Good Riddance
Embracing myself in 2011 was very difficult to say the least. It started out on a low as far as my family dynamics went. As that new year rolled onto the scene I found myself stumbling around attempting to find out just who I was. As I slowly discovered Radical RevLa I ran into dead ends, opened doors, and reaching for the Gifts that God had in place for me. I must admit as I walked the walk in 2011 I began to shed old parts of myself and gain brand new ones.

January 2011 I rededicated my life to doing the Will of Christ and entered into a Daniel fast. The fast was being conducted by several churches around the country and I just felt that I needed something to get me going. Believe it or not I had the strange idea that 2010 had been a very difficult year and was determined to embrace 2011 with a clear and positive  attitude. So off to the fast. From Jan. 8th until Jan. 21st found me doing my best to maintain a fast from the pits of #@!! (shut your mouth....well I didn't say it). Right then and there I found a greater respect for Daniel no wonder he could go into a lions den and have great faith the man invented that fast!!!

But really all jokes aside it took everything I had to do it and come out on the other end sane. Once the fast was completed I found a better working relationship with my husband and grown children. I now knew who I was and was ready to take over my Radical world. In fact by March of 2011 I became Radical Revla after becoming a member of She Writes. I was so lonely looking for me that God guided me stumbling all the way to this fantastic group of dynamic women. It was here that He showed me where I was heading but again I didn't have a clue.

God brought me to the Internet in such a way that my husband and I were able to bring our entire marriage and relationship ministry to the world of the net. I was excited and started working more than ever. While being an active part of She Writes I was thrown into fast forward "How to write" college in 30 days. By May 2011 we had our loveazine going and our marriage ministry was in full force. I was still preaching and meeting controversy but had gained a strength that would not allow me to give into the evil works of man.  

 Radical Revla had found her voice and there was no turning back. By June 2011 God walked us into another form of ministry on the Internet and FEELING GOD SOCIAL NETWORK was started. I had learned from my crash course at She Writes and learned how to create a mini-ning network. While this adventure has been one of the hardest things I've ever done it has also been very rewarding. At the same time all the ministries were rolling right along and who knew I was able to start writing the great American fiction novel. September 2011 found me on such a wonderful high.
Super Radical Revla
She could leap tall buildings at a single jump. She could do 100 difficult jobs all at the same time and never need any rest. Nothing could stop the momentum of Super Radical Revla.
Then good old 2011 decided to throw the old girl some curve balls. Things became difficult. The world as I once knew it was coming to an end. Choices that I needed to make had to be reevaluated and I could no longer put them off. Some things were going to end while others would begin. I felt like I was rolling down the side of a high mountain at top speed and could not stop the momentum. 

By October 2011 I lost my Mom and by December 2011 I lost one of my little brothers. My world was spinning out of control. People around me that I knew was dying and friends that I thought was with me were being replaced or left behind. My Children were living their adult lives and my husband and I were grandparents. We both had reached the great age of 59 and we knew that changes were needed so we could do our assigned work of God.

2011 was becoming a big downer!This was not fun anymore and I was now wishing my so called dream year away with good riddance!
Then when I thought it couldn't get any worse

2012 Rolled In and With It New Beginnings
Another year to do God's Work. Another great year to have hope. Another year to start over. And best of all another year to 
find me.....Radical RevLa
The way I see it is like this:
As long as I continue to look for myself then I will grow. As I grow each year things get better and I get stronger. Its no longer a matter of age, education, or popularity its a matter of accepting His Mercies and Living In His Grace.

So before I end this blog today I would like to just say this:
While each years has its ups and downs continue to look for His Blessings. Look to see what you are suppose to learn then use it to better yourself, family and the world. Remember that Jesus will walk with you all the way and when it gets too hard for you then He will left you in his arms and carry you until you can walk again.


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