
Radical RevLa Welcomes You

Monday, March 10, 2014

Where are you blooming?

God plants us where He wants us to bloom

Its been so hard trying to bloom in my own rich soil. The soil that God blessed just for me. For many years I thought it best to get into someone else's dirt. The funny thing as I looked at everyone else's soil I decided my mine was not that great. I thought if I was planted in their soil then I could bloom like them. I fathomed that  myself by others standards.

I attempted to fit in with them and put myself in a place that I should not have been. The more I planted myself in someone else's soil the more my plant died. I was not living for myself and therefore the me that God created was not blooming. I new that I had to turn my life around. Once again I didn't have a clue as to how this should be done.

Then I turned it over to God and allowed Him to take over. The first thing that He did was to take me out of that soil and to put me in the soil that I needed to be in. This move was difficult. He took me out of the comfort zone that I created for myself. This made me feel alone and hurt. He pruned my poor flowers and lifeless leaves and then lovingly planted me into the riches soil that I could ever be in.

The funny thing at first I couldn't stand it. I have been living in a poor environment for so long that I could not accept the rich soil that He created just for me. It took me awhile to get the full understanding of my new circumstances. Once planted in my own soil my roots began to slowly grow. The more I accepted what God had for me the more I grew. Before I knew it I had one small blossom. A beautiful pink rosebud.

Suddenly I was comfortable and at peace with life. I loved who I was discovering I was. I was free from people and it just didn't matter what they said about me. While I still hurt by the rejection it only fueled my growth. Now I'm growing stronger and blooming more. My next very big blossom is about to come out soon and I feel another branch growing from me.

In my new soil I'm able to use the talents that I've been blessed with. I can see what God had meant for me at the very beginning. I've learned how to get out of my own way. I'm able to let God prune me and even through it does hurt I know its for my own good. My new growth and development. As I grow daily in my own soil I notice that it great to bloom and while blooming I've also lost the fear of success. The fear of being the real me.

I also lost the fear that who I am will not be like everyone else. I don't care if I'm different. At last I can grow and bloom and become the great garden that Christ allowed me to be. I do understand that He is the vine and I am the branch and its up to me to produce fruit. I also can relate to the fact that God is the one to prune and keep us in the right way to grow. Last but not least I understand that anything that does not produce growth must go.

So all in all I am now able to bloom where I have been planted. And for those who are of vintage age like myself its also simply great to be a late bloomer. You see the late bloomers last longer. Go to the Lord and find out if you are in the right soil. Find out if its where you need to be planted. If you are in the wrong soil then allow Him to plant you where you need to be. If you are in the where place then allow yourself to bloom. Don't be afraid that your flower maybe different. Its that difference that makes you uniquely you.

As I alway say…if you are not living for you then who is living for you? Bloom…bloom…and grow. You will live a life of peaceful bliss when you are blooming where you have been planted by God.

Smooches my fellow flowers and remember gotta love me!!!
No seriously you do and I gotta love you!!!

Coming this Spring the new book in the series be the first to get it.