
Radical RevLa Welcomes You

Thursday, May 2, 2013

We Welcome you to Radical RevLa Author SaBrowny Rae

My New Life is about to begin as a publisher
Introducing my first Author:
SaBrowny Rae

Life has a funny way of reinventing itself. Only I could find myself in a brand new life....(well I know others do this but I wouldn't be Radical RevLa if I didn't focus just on I thought once I retired that life would just go easy. Becoming a housewife at last. Doing my ministry. Playing the fun role of Grammie. Working a couple days a month. You know bottom line just easing into the good and peaceful life. Now that I've said all of that I will tell you how this vintage lady's life is settling in place.

I'm running an officiant and event wedding service, a marriage and relationship ministry, active blogger, speaker on tour for the marriage and relationship ministry and now a brand new fiction publisher. So in my new role as a publisher I introduce to you the author SaBrowny Rae. A gifted author who has her brand new book of fast paced, intriguing, and interesting stories. These two stories are full of twists and turns that hold you to the very end. Attempting to guess just what or who did what. She uses religion, romance, power, the supernatural and murder to keep your mind moving and your heart soaring. Then before you know it you are at the end and wanting more.

Once you reach that stage she pulls you in again with another story that takes you right back up. I offer you to come and enjoy the work of this master story teller. This is just the first in a series of books to come. She asks you to meet her at the Backdoor for her exciting tales. 

Backdoor Tales: Tears of the Serpent September Love

After seven thousand years, Satan, king of the demons, travels back to the outskirts of heaven to seek the Son of God. He has a request to ask of God. He wants to experience love once more before he is thrown into the lake of fire. The king of all evil humbles himself with tears and begs to be allowed to live in a human for seventy years where he would receive love and form once more.
God allows him to have his request, and thus, the evil demon is to be reborn for seventy years on earth. Four babies are born on the same night at the same time in four different hospitals. One of the babies born is the king of the demons.
Live through the twist, turns, and adventures of the seventy years in the lives of these children, and see which one is the enemy of God and man. The story will keep you guessing as each child lives a life of adventure, love, power, intrigue, and murder.
An American slave falls in love with her owner’s nephew. Their love transcends many hardships and barriers as they attempt to be together for life. Enjoy a love story that should never be, and witness the sociopathic son of the slave owner attempt to keep them apart. You will not want to put this story down as you long for the couple to become one together in love and freedom. 

Backdoor Tales: Tears of the Serpent September Love

A core-shaking reading experience!
ISBN 13 (TP): 978-1-4836-1832-6
ISBN 13 (HB): 978-1-4836-1833-3
ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-4836-1834-0

Call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879,
order online at, or 

We would love for you to support this book and those to come with this new author. Let us know what you think of the book by leaving a comment. You will love this one I certainly did and I can't wait for the next one. I would also like to introduce you to the new me.
Radical RevLa the Publisher
What can I say....gotta love really you do!!!