Radical Love: Repeat After Me A Woman Can Not Be A Preacher!!!
Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers"
As we continue with the next part of our series Radical Love and the five problem words this post will focus on the next problem word Preachers I ask that you read the first post in this series so you can understand where we are coming from with this series. Our focus is on radical ladies who are called as leaders to spread the Word of God as a minister. In the last blog we focused on our gender. While we are still talking about our gender we are now looking at the office itself.
Those of us who have been called into the ministry know that its one of the hardest decisions that we ever had to make. I for one didn't want to do it and attempted to run from my calling. I didn't want the attention that being a preacher would bring into my life. Yes I had a very strong belief and faith in God. I didn't have a problem doing church work. Teaching Sunday school. Writing and directing church plays. I could jump into the women's ministry and do whatever I was called to do. But when my Lord called me out of my safe place I must say I hesitated. Not only did I hesitate. I ran as fast as I could to the hills. I didn't even pass "Go...nor did I collect my $200 dollars" I just ran!!!
What a waste of time that was. How can you run away from God? He didn't beat me into it however His call never stopped. I knew that I would have to get real with who I proclaim to be. The problem was that I didn't want to deal with all the negativity. I kept saying "God if your intentions for my life was to be your spokesperson then why did you make me a woman???" His answer was just plain and simple. "I NEED YOU TO GIVE MY WORD TO MY PEOPLE IN THE WAY THAT ONLY YOU CAN DO. THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU!!! THE CHOICE IS YOURS."
So I said yes and as soon as I went to my senior pastor I got my first taste of what was to come. There was another person and myself that went to our pastor on the same day. We sat outside of his office waiting our turn to speak to him. While sitting there we started talking and became very excited because he was telling me that he had been called to preach. I said me too. He gave me a funny look but didn't say anything else. I was on cloud nine. You see I finally excepted the call on my life. He went in first. While he was in the pastor's office the first lady (his wife) of the church came and sat down beside me.
So we started talking. I didn't know at the time that she was sent out to talk to me about what I was about to convey to her husband. She asked me what I was going to see pastor about. Being very naive and excited I started telling her that I had been called by God to be a minister. She allowed me to talk and talk and talk. Then she just took my hand and said "Repeat after me....women should not be preachers and they can not be pastors" Pulling my hand away I just looked at her. Her eyes had no life in them. She had a pasted smile on her lips and for the first time she appeared ugly and false to me. My heart broke and I said nothing. I just sat there waiting my turn. She soon got the message and got up and went back into her husband's office.
The pastor and the man that was with me came out. He gave first lady a hug and the men shook hands. My pastor was saying to him that he would start his minister's class that following Thursday. The man smiled and turned to leave. He would not look at me. My heart sunk and I knew now why God had really called me. I was determined right there and then I was not going to let anyone turn me around. God wanted me and I said yes. This was no game or joke. I got ready for the fight to come.
That was over 14 years ago. It has been an up hill battle ever since. God has given me strength and comfort. I have never looked back over all I had to do to get here. I was made to do 10 times more than the men and still catching it from men and women alike. But I have a peace that I know its not my own. I know that this was what I was created to do. So who is to say who is and who is not a preacher?
Only God can call you! And only you and He know that you were called. He does not look at us in genders. He does not feel that one office is for men only or women only. A preacher is a person that goes out and proclaims about the gospels of the Lord. That He is, that He had been and that He is coming back!!! IT'S THE LORD'S CHOICE AS TO WHOM HE WANTS TO REPRESENT HIM! I didn't call myself. This is not a job that I would want. I don't like controversy. However once I said yes and believed in my heart that this was what I was to do then nobody was going to get in my way. Not only that I would do it my way using every part of my being.
So I end with this. If a preacher is one told by Christ to go proclaim or go and tell. About Him and His coming then really the very first preachers were two women by the name of Mary. Don't throw the stones!!! For those that believe in the bible then I suggest that you read the four gospels Right now I'm only going to quote from the book of Matthew 28:1-10 is what you can read however I will be referring to Matthew 28:10 "THEN JESUS SAID TO THEM, DO NOT BE AFRAID, GO AND TELL MY BROTHERS TO GO TO GALILEE; THERE THEY WILL SEE ME"
Jesus Himself sent those ladies to proclaim to them that He was and is and where to meet Him. IS THIS NOT THE ROLE OF A PREACHER TO PROCLAIM THAT HE WAS AND IS AND WHERE TO MEET HIM. Lord Jesus gave the first preaching job to the women because they were there. They wanted to take care of Him. They saw Him and believed that he was raised from the dead. They gladly ran and proclaimed Him to His disciples. So if Lord Jesus gave the first preacher job to the women who can say that we can not give the Word of God in the office that He gave us?
Who can be a preacher??? ASK JESUS!!! I REST MY CASE!!!
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